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Your Purpose

2024 Sponsorship Opportunity

US Author Sir Robert S. Bey teams up with TWN Lifestyles, in association with The Purpose Network for a brand new empowerment series to help viewers find their gifts and life purpose so they can live a happier, fulfilled life. With great quotes and inspirational messages from his fascinating book ‘Gift Passion Purpose’, Series One promises so much for our wellness fans.

“Your Gift, Your Passion, Your Purpose” by Robert S. Bey is an empowering guidebook that invites readers on a transformative journey of self-discovery and personal fulfilment. The book revolves around the central theme of unlocking one’s unique gifts, harnessing personal passions, and aligning them with a greater purpose in life. Bey emphasizes that each individual possesses inherent gifts and talents that are waiting to be unearthed. Through introspection and self-reflection, readers are encouraged to identify their unique abilities and understand how they can be utilized to make a meaningful impact in the world. He also delves into the importance of cultivating passions and nurturing them into a driving force for personal growth and achievement. By exploring and embracing their true passions, readers gain a sense of purpose and find the motivation needed to pursue their dreams wholeheartedly. Throughout the book, Bey shares compelling stories and insights that illustrate the transformative power of aligning one’s gifts, passions, and purpose based on his real life experiences. He offers practical exercises and actionable advice to help readers navigate the journey of self-discovery and tap into their fullest potential.

Furthermore, the book serves as a roadmap for personal empowerment. It guides readers through the process of setting clear goals, overcoming obstacles, and leveraging their unique qualities to create a life that is deeply fulfilling and aligned with their purpose. By the end of “Your Gift, Your Passion, Your Purpose,” readers are equipped with a newfound understanding of themselves and the tools necessary to embark on a path of self-actualization. They are empowered to embrace their gifts, fuel their passions, and pursue their purpose with unwavering determination.

In essence, “Your Gift, Your Passion, Your Purpose” serves as a catalyst for individuals seeking to unlock their potential and create a life of purpose and meaning. Through its insightful guidance and practical wisdom, the book inspires readers to embrace their true selves, pursue their passions, and make a positive impact in the world around them.

Partnership Information

Rights to the Programme

Rights to the Programme

Rights to use promotional content in marketing comms across platforms including:

  • Programme idents
  • PR and internal comms
  • Social media and online
  • Website, e-comms, newsletters, and direct marketing
  • Branded competitions and promotions, targeting consumers, trade & employee

* excludes all talent and will be associated solely with the show/brand instead of individual talent including host and guests

Broadcast & Catch Up

On air sponsorship idents:   
  • 5” intro ident
  • 10” centre break idents
  • 5” closing ident
  • 30″ seconds accreditation
    per episode

Planned Schedule

  • Channels: YouTube, IG, LinkedIn
  • Episodes Per Season: 12
  • Avg. Runtimes: 2min
  • Release Schedule: Weekend peak
  • Season Two Release Date: Q1 2024
  • Episodes Per Calendar Year: 12

Series One Statistics

  • Engagement: 2.3% 
  • Age: 25 – 34 (80%)
  • Top Views: USA, India, Nigeria, UK
  • Interests: Empowerment, Wellness, Self Love
  • Gender: Male (46%); Female (54%)

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