Welcome to TWN Advertising, where we offer amazing opportunities for product placement to take your brand visibility to new heights!

To optimise awareness and value add of your product or service, we develop engaging, socialised content themed around you. We showcase your value, how to get best results, what makes you stand out from your competition, and contact details for b2b or b2c enquiries. With opportunities for direct engagement with audiences, product placement with us also gives you a platform to share your values, corporate mission and more, to a ready made audiences, receptive to your message. We give you unrivalled access to a diverse range of affinity interests that includes foodies, fitness buffs, travel fans, beauty mavens, wellness enthusiasts, DIYers, world music aficionados, creatives, and performing artists so you can target with even more precision.

Signing up with us means your product will become easily recognisable for their quality so join us, and get your brand, product or services seen on a global stage. Click to view sample case study.

How It Works

Through a comprehensive process of pre-production, production, and post-production activities, we create a tailored project that effectively targets your desired affinity groups. During the pre-production phase, our team conducts extensive research and planning to understand your brand and its unique selling propositions. We delve into the interests, preferences, and behaviors of your target audience to ensure that the program we develop resonates with them on a deep level.

Next, we move into the production phase, where our experienced production teams bring the project to life. We employ cutting-edge techniques and creative storytelling to captivate your audience and convey your brand message in a compelling way. Our skilled professionals handle every aspect of production, from filming to editing, ensuring the highest quality and attention to detail. Once the production is complete, we shift our focus to post-production activities. This involves refining the content, adding special effects, and optimising the project for maximum impact. We also work closely with you to ensure that the final product meets your expectations and aligns with your brand guidelines. Through this meticulous process, we create a program that not only showcases your brand but also connects with your target affinity groups in a meaningful way. By leveraging our expertise in global production and targeting strategies, we can help you reach a wider audience and drive engagement.

We are dedicated to delivering exceptional results. Click to view sample case study.

Pricing & Features


At TWN Connect, we understand the power of integrating your brand seamlessly into our content, capturing the attention of our engaged global audience. With our extensive reach and diverse community, your products will have the chance to shine and make a lasting impact.

  • Strategic brand positioning
  • Targeted audience engagement
  • Captivating visual representation of products
  • Seamless integration into popular programs
  • Enhanced brand recognition and recall
  • Positive association with popular content
  • Amplified brand presence on-screen



Partnering with TWN Advertising for product placement opens the door to a world of exciting opportunities to drive brand awareness. Join us today and discover the immense potential of product placement with TWN Advertising.

  • Year: £150,000 
  • Half Year: £75,000


Our team specializes in crafting authentic and organic placements that resonate with our viewers. By strategically integrating your offerings into our most popular programs, we ensure maximum exposure and brand recognition.


  • Free Consultations to guide your choice
  • Product collection service (premium service)
  • Access to TWN Creative solutions 

How To Send Your Products To Us


You can send your products for product placement campaigns to any TWN office and our mailing team will redirect your parcel accordingly

Courier Service

Courier is a fast, secure option to send in your products for placements on TWN. Simple contact your local office and confirm the necessary details for your contact point
