The ideal choice for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises looking to tap into the commercial benefits of social media and the internet.

As our regional content partner you get amazing opportunities for regional endorsements, brand awareness and prime advertising for a fraction of the cost by associating with to a series or competition of your choice. It means you target can target your ideal niche depending on your appetite and marketing/advertising strategy.

All planned programs are listed by affinity groups to optimise alignment with your brand, early planning and onboarding of partners.


As an example, TWN International Poets, an regional online spoken word event designed to promote ethnic poems and literature enables interested parties are able to acquire a stake in the program and reach millions of viewers in specific regions. Previous series have seen a host of brands including take advantage of the huge benefits!

Pricing & Features


  • Association to regional online events and  programmes
  • Placements of your logo on relevant TWN press releases and notices
  • Mentions and recognitions for your brand on regional events and programmes
  • Statistics to inform your marketing and advertising
  • Estimated 150% return on investment
  • Shared content on designated guest Dropbox folder for your purposes

Pricing & Terms

  • 1 Year minimum sponsorship term
  • Option to discontinue at the halfway point
  • Subject to 3 year maximum sponsorship
  • Guide Price: £100,000


  • Shared content on designated guest Dropbox folder 
  • Support from TWN Branding & TWN Marketing services
  • Access to affiliate influencers 

We help your  business target better, connect and engage on a deeper level with your preferred affinity groups. Affinity content is key to our success and connects us to viewers with similar interests, so they feel part of something more.

By leveraging a ready made audience and established series across media channels, we are able to increase awareness, receptiveness and affinity to your brand. Our global partnerships and extensive network of influencers ensure extended reach to new communities, positive outcomes and value for money return on your investment. 

For us, it’s simply one world.


Bringing Your Partnership To Life

When you partner with a series, you’ll want to make the most of every opportunity. So, we’ll strike a third-party deal to help you bring your campaign to life both on screen and in the real world. Depending on your needs, we can grant you the rights to promote the campaign across your social media accounts, in-store, shop displays, as well as provide you with exclusive prizes and behind the scenes content.

There’s also the option to be creative with program flyers, logos, sets, images, and locations to ensure the link between your brand and the subject of your sponsorship is as strong as possible. We even ensure partner logos are place on our loyalty bulletins and photo cards for added value! Licensing not only fuels conversation and drives engagement, but also boosts brand association and awareness.


View the TWN Sponsorship Trading Process.




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