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2023 TWN Sponsorship Opportunity

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The Opinionated series is all about provided a platform for interaction and shared perspectives on social topics that impact us all. We invite guests from different background to a studio discussion to gain a deeper insight into what people feel and think about topics that are relevant to our global family


Series One was filmed in London, UK and featured topics including ‘The Age Of Robots’ and ‘Sex Before Marriage’ amongst others, and was had over IM  impressions across our channels. Series Two is currently under development with release dates to be confirmed and announced on TWN landing site for Talk Show lovers 

Partnership Information

Rights to the Programme

Rights to the Programme

Rights to use promotional content in marketing comms across platforms including:

  • Programme idents
  • PR and internal comms
  • Social media and online
  • Website, e-comms, newsletters, and direct marketing
  • Branded competitions and promotions, targeting consumers, trade & employee

* excludes all talent and will be associated solely with the show/brand instead of individual talent including host and guests

Broadcast & Catch Up

On air sponsorship idents:   

  • 5” intro ident
  • 10” centre break idents
  • 5” closing ident
  • 30″ seconds accreditation per episode

Planned Schedule


  • Channels: TWN Lifestyles, TWN US, TWN UK, TWN NG, TWN India
  • Episodes Per Season: 6
  • Runtime Per Episode: 5min
  • Release Schedule: Weekend peak
  • Season Two Release Date: Q2 2023
  • Episodes Per Calendar Year: 12 

Series One Statistics

  • Global Impressions: 1.1M
  • Engagement: 2.3% 
  • Age Group: 25 – 34 (80%)
  • Top Viewing Locations: USA, India, Nigeria, UK
  • Interests: Talk Shows, Online Chat Forums, TV Debates
  • Gender Ratio: Male (46%); Female (54%)

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