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2025 Sponsorship Opportunity

TWN Girls Talk!

Girls Talk is a dedicated forum for our female audience to bond, share perspectives and connect on a deeper level with each other on common subjects. It gives a voice to real women and ladies from all backgrounds so that others are inspired to do more.

Series One was filmed in the US and UK and featured a carnival queen, radio host/influencer and a reality tv star. With its popularity we commissioned a second series, planned for 2025.

Partnership Information

Rights to the Programme

Rights to the Programme

Rights to use promotional content in marketing comms across platforms including:

  • Programme idents
  • PR and internal comms
  • Social media and online
  • Website, e-comms, newsletters, and direct marketing
  • Branded competitions and promotions, targeting consumers, trade & employee

* excludes all talent and will be associated solely with the show/brand instead of individual talent including host and guests

Broadcast & Catch Up

On air sponsorship idents:   

  • 5” intro ident
  • 10” centre break idents
  • 5” closing ident
  • 30″ seconds accreditation per episode

Planned Schedule


  • Channels: TWN Lifestyles, TWN US, TWN UK, TWN NG, TWN India
  • Episodes Per Season: 6
  • Runtime Per Episode: 5min
  • Release Schedule: Weekend peak
  • Season Two Release Date: Q3 2025
  • Episodes Per Calendar Year: 12 

Series One Statistics

  • Global Impressions: 1.1M
  • Engagement: 2.3% 
  • Age Group: 25 – 34 (80%)
  • Top Viewing Locations: USA, India, Nigeria, UK
  • Interests: Talk Shows, Online Chat Forums, TV Debates
  • Gender Ratio: Male (46%); Female (54%)

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