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Unlocking The Power Of Content Sponsorship With TWN Connect

Why Sponsorships?​

Unlock Your Brand’s Potential: Engage, Connect, and Control with TWN Advertising.

Are you ready to take your brand to the next level? At TWN Advertising, we offer comprehensive solutions that endorse your brand, create awareness, increase receptiveness, and provide prime advertising opportunities. With our tailored approach, you can take full control of your outcomes and connect with your ideal customer profiles like never before.

Our tiered, scalable, and flexible solutions are designed to fit your budget and deliver the results you desire. Whether you choose to associate with a specific program, an entire channel, or a part of a series, we provide exciting opportunities for direct engagement and consistent brand exposure.

Imagine partnering with TWN Challenge, a popular channel that attracts a wide audience. By associating your brand with this platform, you can leverage its reach and influence to maximise brand visibility and engagement. Alternatively, you could align with one of our vibrant affinity categories, such as Dancers, Singers, or Poets, to establish a strong connection with a specific audience passionate about their respective art forms. For a more targeted approach, consider sponsoring a series or a specific contest within your preferred affinity group. Join forces with the TWN Performer series to showcase your brand alongside talented dancers or collaborate with the TWN Poets contest to reach poetry enthusiasts. These focused opportunities allow you to deepen your connection with your target audience and strengthen brand loyalty.

With TWN Advertising, you have the power to shape your brand’s narrative and achieve your marketing goals. Our dedicated team will work closely with you to customise a sponsorship package that aligns with your objectives and ensures maximum impact. We are committed to delivering exceptional results and helping your brand thrive in the digital era.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to engage, connect, and control your brand’s destiny. Join TWN Advertising today and unlock the full potential of content sponsorship. Let us empower your brand to reach new heights and captivate your ideal customer profiles with our innovative solutions.

Sponsorship Levels

Naming Partnership


The ultimate reach!

As a naming or headline partner, your corporate identity will receive prominence on all our social media channels, affinity groups, press releases, global awards, production series, blog sites, loyalty cards, and online events, as well as opportunities to directly engage our global audience!


Official Partnership


Official Partnership means association to global programmes or online events within a carefully selected affinity group that best fits your brand.

It offers fantastic opportunities to target your ideal customer profiles, demographics and geolocations with precision, for high value outcomes and return on investment.


Regional Partnership


Affinity content is key to our success and connects us to viewers with similar interests, so they feel part of our community.

Associate your brand with the most popular TWN Connect programme or online event and connect to your ideal affinity group to suit your regional engagement targets!

Location Partnership


Location partnerships provide cost effective, high value brand awareness for small and medium sized brands with aspirations for regional and global expansion. Association to a programme as a location  partner can help your business become an easily recognisable part of your audience’s favourite shows.

Our Partners